The challenges of providing training in the manufacturing industry

Show notes

In this episode of The Learning Curve, Kenny sits down with Eckhart Jensen, an HR and training expert with a fascinating career, including key roles at Daimler and now leading HR Act in Singapore. Curious about what it’s like to manage training in a fast-paced manufacturing industry? Eckhart shares his experiences from being the youngest Head of Training and Development in Germany’s chemical industry to navigating the complexities of the Daimler-Chrysler merger. What happens when German engineering meets American business philosophies? Eckhart gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges of blending corporate cultures and adapting to new technologies like Industry 4.0.

Are you wondering how businesses can stay ahead of the curve in this evolving landscape? Kenny and Eckhart explore how adopting flexible mindsets, leadership on the shop floor, and using innovative methods like Scrum can make all the difference. They also discuss the 70-20-10 rule—did you know 70% of learning happens on the job, 20% through peer interactions, and only 10% from formal training? This episode is packed with practical insights on how organizations can embrace lifelong learning and keep pace with the rapid advancements in manufacturing. If you’re looking for ways to keep your company or career future-proof, this is the episode for you!

💬 About the podcast guest:

Eckart is the CEO of HR ACT Pte Ltd, based in Singapore. With a professional HR track record second to none he is a veritable cornucopia of knowledge and insights into HR in the manufacturing industry. His thoughts, ideas and leadership has helped shape several environments in the manufacturing industry.

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