#07: The power of soft skills in the age of AI

Show notes

This episode of The Learning Curve with Kenny focuses on the importance of soft skills in the age of AI, featuring an interview with Matthew Doig, CEO and Founder of Growthcave. Matthew delves into the shifts, challenges and transformations brought about by AI, highlighting the need for both companies and individuals to prioritise soft skills for success amidst technological advancements.

Within our organisations, we need to look more than just what benefits AI will bring us, but also at the people using the AI. In discussion the discussions, Matthew helps Kenny explore the emergence of new job opportunities in areas where AI falls short, highlighting the indispensable role of human capabilities.

Matthew identifies essential skills, termed ‘power skills’ for navigating the evolving technological landscape effectively: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. The discussion prompts reflection on what organisations can do to support individuals in honing these uniquely human skills. Tune in to this fascinating episode to find out more.


💬 About the podcast guest:  

Matthew Doig is a Human Potential Practitioner who has spent over two decades helping individuals and organisations reach their full potential. As the Founder and CEO of Growth Cave, a Human Potential Development company, he enables people to make the personal and professional transformations necessary to thrive in the Digital Age.

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