#04: Empowering new Amazon executives with cultural fluency

Show notes

Join us for a fascinating interview with William Thomas, the Principal Executive Onboarding Partner at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Learn about the importance of a shared corporate culture, as Kenny dives into the topic of hybrid onboarding at a global company on the very forefront of the cloud computing industry.  


William shares his insights gained from onboarding processes at AWS, highlighting the importance of learning during a new starter's first three months and Amazon's approach to shared leadership values. Discover how Amazon's leadership principles shape the 'Amazonian' identity and are actively applied in everyday conversations and actions. They not only define how Amazon operates and how leaders lead, but also prioritise the customer in decision-making.  


The interview also highlights the significance of affinity groups within Amazon, which unite people with shared interests across different business units, fostering a sense of community. This insightful episode of the Learning Curve is not to be missed! 


💬 About the podcast guest:  

William Thomas, PhD, is the Principal Executive Onboarding Partner at Amazon Web Services in Singapore.  He helps new executives across the region bring their talents seamlessly into the AWS culture by working with them and other stakeholders throughout the AWS onboarding process. 

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