Well-being training in the digital age

Show notes

How can organisations best promote their employees' mental well-being? Remote working and the challenges of the digital era have thrown up a new set of challenges. In another thought-provoking episode of The Learning Curve, Kenny talks with Todd Morgan, CEO of Outside The Locker Room (OTLR).  

As a charitable organisation, OTLR helps sporting clubs, schools and businesses across Australia change the game for mental health. Todd highlights the impact of technology on social connections and the rise of severe loneliness and poor mental health among employees who work remotely. But is it all bad? 


There's an increased awareness of companies in investing in the mental well-being of their employees. Todd offers practical advice and highlights the potential for digitalisation offer a more accessible and scalable approach to mental health training. Implementing a Learning Management System (LMS), for example, can help companies deliver mental well-being education can also be a valuable tool for supporting individuals' mental health. Listen in to find out more.  



💬 About the podcast guest:  

Todd Morgan is the Chief Executive Officer of Outside The Locker Room, a charity providing mental health education and welfare support to communities across Australia.  

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