#01: Debunking learning myths

Show notes

In this episode of the Learning Curve, Kenny explores the world of learning myths with guest Dr. Kuva Jacobs. They debunk popular learning myths in real-time on the podcast.


Commonly shared ideas about how people learn may not be entirely accurate. Kuva provides researched and analytical insights on learning theories like The Learning Pyramid and different learning styles, revealing there is more to the story.


Taking learning myths at face value can be damaging because they lack the full picture, even if they contain some valid messages. This podcast episode is a must-listen for L&D managers, learning experts, and enterprise learning professionals.


💬 About the podcast guest:

Kuva is a co-founder of Emergent Learning, a specialist learning consultancy that assists organisations to build capability, improve performance and solve complex business problems by applying evidence-based approaches derived from the learning sciences. Kuva has a PhD in mathematics and manages the Learning Myth Busters group on LinkedIn.

Kuva`s LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kuvaj/

The LinkedIn group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14108260

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